See the value of products and understand the trend | maco (Minions) brand 2022 new product launch was successfully held!

Views : 959
Update time : 2022-01-19 17:29:21

    On January 16, 2022, the 2022 new product launch of maco (Minions) brand was grandly held in Chengdu zunyue Howard Johnson Hotel, with the theme of "seeing value and understanding the trend". Nearly 1000 outstanding dealer representatives, chamber of Commerce leaders, media guests and other people from all over the country gathered together to seek the development vision.



    At the scene of the conference, the host first extended a warm welcome to the dealers present and introduced the main leaders attending the conference in turn. The conference officially opened.



    2022 is destined to be an extraordinary year. Pressure and power, opportunities and challenges coexist. Maco textile will also usher in a new journey of breaking its cocoon into a butterfly. At the beginning of the meeting, President Ruan, CEO of McCoy textile, delivered a speech, introduced the launch of Xiaohuang people's new products, and explained the five series of Minions' new products to be launched by McCoy textile in 2022.



    For the new series of Minions launched, President Ruan focused on the brand market prospect and 2022 distribution cooperation scheme, so that dealers and even ordinary consumers can enjoy the benefits brought by Maco textile. Create a new marketing ecology of Maco, B2B, B2C, o2o, sb2b2c, mobile app, mecco official website, wechat mall and other self owned platforms, open up all link cycles and integrate all channels for development.



    At the new product press conference, Maco textile brought five new categories: towel series, cotton soft towel series, underwear series, socks  series and slippers series.



    Maco leads the new fashion of health technology. The 2022 series of new products of maco Minions are the industry's leading enterprises. They work together to create products with high quality and high appearance value, which is in line with consumers' growing healthy consumption concept and demand for high-quality products, and won unanimous praise on the spot. The dealers are enthusiastic, the atmosphere is hot, and there is an endless stream of contracted customers. The new cotton soft towel series has burst orders, and the production cycle has been arranged until June next year.



    At the meeting, Mr. Li Ming, chairman of Kinson group, made a keynote speech around "large market, small company and high profit". In order to increase support for dealers and improve their motivation, the red flag H9 policy was launched.



    At the end of the day's energetic meeting, we gathered in the banquet hall and went to a wonderful dinner!



    At the dinner, wonderful performances were prepared for you to welcome all guests from afar. The whole party was full of laughter. At the same time, it also provided a platform for dealers in various regions to know and communicate with each other, and enhanced everyone's friendship!



    Finally, congratulations on the successful conclusion of the 2022 new product launch of maco (Minions)! Thank all the supplier partners for their full support, the dealer representatives who traveled thousands of miles to the event, the staff of Maco and the employees of Kinson group who worked hard to prepare the press conference, and look forward to Maco textile's success and glory in 2022 !